Sigmund Freud took time to learn and analyze dreams. He mentions the dreams are attempts to psychically fulfill wishes that are often not fulfilled in waking life. The desires in a dream are often objectionable to the superego, it is disguised into symbolism. Dreams have two different content, the first is manifest content which is the actual storyline that a person remembers in a dream and the second is latent content which is the underlying meaning in a dream. The manifest content is often confusing and misleads how to interpret a dream. The symbols in a dream are not universal but reflects ones  personal associations.
We learned about the painters and what they used in their paintings. Hans Holbein the younger started to reflect secularity, or to not us religious themes in the paintings. Pieter Bruegel also took that option and painted the lives of ordinary people, genre painting. Cara vaggio took Leonardo's technique of chiaroscuro and created tenebrism, "dark manner" having light only on what he wants you to see. Artemisia Gentileschi used tenebrism as well but she used the tenebrism to make her paintings very dramatic. In Fra Andrea Pazzo we look at his painting Triumph do St. Ignatius of Loyola and learn that he used quadratura which is used to trick the eye into believing that the architecture of the church, it's columns and arches extend past the actual ceiling. Rembrandt van Rijn takes tenebrism into a new affect in Captian Fran's Banning Cocq Mustening His Company by creating 6D self portrait. Jan Vermeer painting called the Young Women with a Water Pitcher by using light in a scientific while Rembrandt's has more dramatic light. The last painter we learned about was Diego Velázquez which was a royal painter. 
Memorizing lines is very hard to do. To not be able to change lines or go with the flow can be very challenging. It took me about fifty time to say it out loud and finally get it memorized. I chose a poem that seems to relate to everyone.  The two last lines of my ten lines it says " love looks not with the eyes, but with the mind. And therefore is winged Cupid painted blind." Those two lines are the best lines in any poem. I think Shakespeare is inferring that it is true love when we don't love the a persons looks on the out side but what we think of a person. The looks of a person might not match the personality of that person. What I mean by that is just because someone is pretty does not mean they have a lovely personality, so true love looks with the mind and not with the eyes. 
Most people put the "Creator" above anything and everything. Humanity is placed on the "chain of being".  Humans are put under angels but above the beast. Poco Della Mirandola believes that angels, man, and beast are all the same. He tells us that we should not admire angels more than we do ourself. He thinks that man is the most fortunate of all creatures and as a result worthy of the highest admiration. Mirandola tells us that once some is born that spiritual being from the beginning become what they are to be for eternity. If "he" removes himself from his own center of unity and becomes alone in the dark than " he" will surpass every created thing. At the end he says that us humans should not be second to anything. I believe that he has very good point but is not all true. If people put the self into the highest power than I think the world would be chaotic. I believe that if we are at the top of the chain than they would not look to a higher power to seek help and bring bad things together. I believe that we should praise I higher power. Ithink if we thought of ourself at the top or the same as angels that no wars about religion would ever happen because no one would care about higher powers. Then people would start wars on what ethnicity would be better and more world wars would happen.  
The movie is accurate but has some flaws in it. In most scene the information is true. At the beginning Godfrey tells Balian that it is a long journey to get to Jerusalem. The path they are taking goes through Italy. This scene is accurate because the journeys the men took to get to Jerusalem would have taken a long time when riding on horseback. When Balian murders the priest he leaves and joins his father in the Crusades. Many people in the crusades were people who have not had a clean record. When Balian hears Pope Urban II talk about taking the journey to Jerusalem he says that your sin will go away in history it is true that Pope Urban II does say that. In the movie there is also a lot of scenes that are not true. Much of the depiction of the sequence events at Reynald of Chatillon’s stronghold of Kerak is not true to history. Saladin did besiege Kerak unsuccessfully. This siege was the setting of one of the most famous stories about Saladin. Towards the end the scene where Balian surrenders Jerusalem to Saladin and the people cheer for peace but in history the people devastated by Saladin capturing Jerusalem. 
This week I learned a lot about how the Jewish people were affected by the Crusades. The Christian Romans took over Palestine and destroyed the Jewish temple. The Jews were never aloud in the city except for once a year to mourn the destruction of their temple. Pope Alexander II had to intervene to save the Jews. It did not all go away and Pope Urban II reinstated Pope Alexander II intervention and tried to take all the crime on the Jews and reroute that to fight the Muslims. The Jews never had a say and was never able to fight back and take back their city. As more and more time went on it became normal that the Jews didn't really have a place to call their own. 

My short story is people live in a kingdom. King Ben wants to find the unicorn everyone has spotted in the forest. He sends twenty men to capture this creature. When they spotted the unicorn they tried to capture it. They did not know that the unicorn had special powers to not be captured. All the fighting trying to capture it was for nothing and the men were killed but one. The one person left and ran to the king to tell him it was impossible to capture the unicorn. The king stopped the search because he didn't want any more men dead.


This week I learned different types of gardens. With learning about the gardens it show that it took a lot of time to plan it and that is what the Medievil society would do. After learning the different types of gardens we created our own garden. I created a garden with many flowers to see the beauty within a garden.


What I found interesting in the video is that Roman women were able to leave their homes with a chaperone. It is also very interesting that bathes were an everyday thing to do, an for it to be in public. The marriages are different from our lives today. Women would be married by the a ten and be pregnant, where as in today's society women should be married in there twenties or thirties. Graffiti was not wrong to do in their times it was seen as art.

This week we have focused on Rome. The main thing that we focused on way the story of Aeneid. After reading the story we are now filming The Aeneid Soap Opera. This is of the big battle scene where Turnus and Palleus fight and the Palleus dies. Once that it's over Turnus wants to fight Aeneid and Aeneid captures Turnus and kills him. My character in the play is goddess Diana. I am not interested in the goddess Juno and Venus fighting over Aeneids ending. What Diana cares about is if Camela dies. When she does I kill the person who killed her. 


    Write something about yourself. No need to be fancy, just an overview.


    November 2013

